Forum Replies Created

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  • in reply to: About the presentation board #2688

    Hi there!

    Yes, there are some presentation rules you must follow. You can find the details on the “submission” section on the competition’s brief (page 10).

    However, we are seriously considering changing the presentation board size from din-A2 to din-A1, we will be making an official announcement about that next week.

    in reply to: Registro #2680

    ¡Estupendo David! Nos alegra oirlo 🙂

    in reply to: Registro #2679

    Hola Hector,

    Puedes añadir miembros a tu equipo, así como eliminarlos, siempre que quieras hasta la fecha límite de inscripción (en este caso el 4 de abril). Para hacerlo debes mandarnos los cambios que quieras realizar a y nosotros realizaremos los cambios que nos indiques.

    En cuanto a las tarifas de participación, estas no son reembolsables, ya que de serlo nuestro sistema de registro por periodos para que los equipos puedan obtener los descuentos no tendría sentido.

    Sobre la elegibilidad, el Bauhaus Campus 2021 es un concurso para estudiantes. Todos los miembros del equipo deben cumplir los criterios de elegibilidad, no sólo algunos.

    in reply to: Student cards and Lectures #2678

    Hola Erick,

    Entiendo que te refieres a la dirección postal que introdujiste durante el registro, ¿correcto? Si es así por favor envianos la dirección correcta a y encantados la modificaremos por ti.

    in reply to: Registro #2647

    The members of the team can be modified at any time until the end of the registration period. You just need to send us an email to stating your registration ID and the changes you want to make. If you want to delete a team member just their name would be enough. If you want to add neew team members at any time we will need all their info (Name, Schoo, Email and Instagram account).

    in reply to: Registro #2644

    Hello Taha,

    I beleive we have already fixed this by e-mail. If you need any further help please do let us know, we hare here to help 🙂

    in reply to: Student cards and Lectures #2623

    Hola Erick,

    Nos alegra oir que finalmente se ha solucionado el problema al subir los archivos. Si crees que la documentación que has aportado es insuficiente puedes subir otra documentación adicional para complementarla sin problema.

    En cuanto a los videos, son todos en inglés. De hecho el idioma oficial del cocnurso es el inglés, y no deberíamos si quiera responder preguntas en el foro en otros idiomas, ya que eso hará que otros estudiantes no puedan entender cualquier información adicional que aquí facilitemos. Hasta la fecha participan equipos de más de 50 países diferentes! 🙂

    in reply to: CAD Building Height #2622

    Hello Axel!

    To make sure that everyone gest the same information, please refer to this answer left in the forum a couple weeks ago which I believe addresses your question too. 😉

    in reply to: Registro #2592

    Hola David,

    Sentimos oir que sigues teniendo problemas para acceder a las charlas.

    Acabamos de revisar tu registro con código 1655 y todo está en orden. También hemos comprobado que las charlas cuentan con muchas visualizaciones todos los días, por lo que otros equipos están pudiendo acceder a ellas. Quizá sea un problema específico con alguna versión del navegador. ¿Podrías por favor probar a acceder desde otro navegador?

    Hemos verificado que tu registro se hizo en español, por lo que los links correctos para ti serían:

    in reply to: Registro #2562

    Hello 佩轩 韩,

    Entree fees are not refundable, otherwise our pricing system with discounts for early registrants would not make sense. That being said, we have checked your team’s registration and we see that most of your teammates are eligible. If you are sure you are not eligible, they can take on the brief without you. They can also sign-up other members to the team if they wish to do so, or even transfer the team registration to another team.

    We understand this can be frustrating, but we make all the documentation available before registering and are also available to answer any questions in case anyone has doubts about their eligibility. This forum for example has many pre-registration questions regarding eligibility which our team has reviewed on a case by case basis to provide confirmation of eligibility in each case.

    in reply to: Registro #2548

    Hola David,

    Probablemente se deba a un problema de idioma. Si estás intentando ingresar a la página de las charlas en un idioma distinto al que te registraste, es posible que veas ese mensaje. Aquí te dejo los dos links directos confiando en que este sea el problema.

    Si esto no soluciona el problema por favor no dudes en volver a escribirnos!

    in reply to: Areas del proyecto #2533

    Hola Araceli,

    En este caso el area dedicada a talleres no tiene categorías definidas, se trata de espacios donde poder realizar trabajos manuales para los cuales un aula teórica no está preparada, pero imaginar el tipo de actividades que se pueden llegar a dar en estos espacios es algo que debeis explorar como parte del proyecto, teniendo en cuenta las tecnologías actuales y las que creais pueden ser importantes en el futuro.


    in reply to: This is me, hi. #2526

    Hi Jose Miguel! Glad you chose this to be your first architecture competition 🙂
    We hope you find the experience enriching. We are definitely looking forward to see what you come up with for this brief!

    Do not hesitate to let us know if there is anything we can do for you, and if you want to start a converstation about the project or the Bauhaus itself, feel free to do so at the “work in progress” forum, we are sure others will jump right in, at least we know we will! 😉

    in reply to: Is the competition suitable for Interior Architects #2461

    Hello Aryan,

    Thank you for reaching out about your eligibility situation.

    The only reason why we have the 18 months rule is because in some countries the architecture studies are divided in an undergraduate program + master, which is not optional. You don’t become an architect until you complete that masters, and so you are basically working towards becoming an architect even though you are technically enrolled in a masters. Some countries have a 5 year undergraduate program, others have a 4 year undergraduate program + 1 year masters. That is why we allow masters students to participate, and the 18 months rule guarantees that if Norman Fosters decides to go back to school and enrolls in a masters program, he wont be eligible to participate (That probably won’t happen, it’s an extreme example, but it proofs the need for that rule).

    The education systems around the world are very different and it’s hard to consider all the possible combinations. We know our eligibility criteria is not perfect, but our goal is to make the competition fair for students, including those in first and second year of university.

    In the future we might consider a separate category for young graduates, but as of now our competitions are specially tailored toward students.

    Really sorry! Good luck!

    in reply to: Let’s get to know each other a little bit better :) #2398

    Academic experiences abroad are amazing! Enjoy Taiwan! And welcome to arkitekturo 🙂

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