The Missing Link by BUAU

This project was submited to the Mies Memorial Library competition with Registration ID #23332
Marwan Abdalsalam Elzawi
Berenice University of Architecture and Urbanism
Mawada Ali Saber Elzway
Berenice University of Architecture and Urbanism
Mohamed jamal El Enaizi
Berenice University of Architecture and Urbanism

What is missing in the site? After careful analysis of gathered information
from the site it was evident that there was something missing. Derived from
the analysis was that a building connecting all the nearby educational buildings
can be approached as if one is filing in THE MISSING LINK The “link” will
connect Crown Hall, the famous library of Paul Galvin, the Conference Hall and
the Student Housing Buildings.
The implementation of modern materials such as aerogel panels and using steel structure is a key element in the design concept.
Both materials are used to give the large scaled building a light modern feel, as well as creating a link between exterior and interior
furthering the design philosophy not only between the buildings on a large scale, but also within the building itself.
About Site:
Why did we choose site ? Based on studies of the entire site, it is the most appropriate in terms of construction and creating a
linkage between all the surrounding buildings. Furthermore, the site overlooks Crown Hall, as well as the residential housing from
one direction to the other while completing the edge of the site.

Mies’s storage:
in the building, there is a special program for it, meaning when you enter, you carry
the program and use the existing code.
also in Mies’s storage there is also a hologram showing its work when standing at a certain place


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