The full brief of the competition. In this document you’ll find all the information about the competition’s project and participation rules.
Bauhaus Campus 2021:
This is all the official documentation for the Bauhaus Campus 2021 competition. Photos and drawings might have been simplified or modified, so remember that these are the ones you should based your design on.
A full photographic report of the site on which the Bauhaus Campus 2021 is to be designed. You may use these photos in your presentations.
A small photographic report of the neighbourhood surrounding the competition’s site. See the streets, urban furniture, neighboring buildings…
Layered CAD site plan of the city of Dessau with the Bauhaus Campus 2021 site highlighted, as well as other relevant buildings.
Collection of official A3 posters for the Bauhaus Campus 2021 Architecture Competition for Students.
A series of Instagram stories about the Bauhaus Campus 2021. Feel free to use them and share them to earn discounts!