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  • in reply to: can’t access the price list #1636

    Hello Jakiat,

    Thank you for getting in touch with us. You can find the complete list of prices by country here:

    Hope this helps!
    The arkitekturo team

    in reply to: Student cards and Lectures #1616

    Hello Sergio,

    We believe we have found the reason why you were not able to access the talks and lectures page. For some reason our website is only letting users access that mage in the language in which they registered in. So if you registered in Spanish then the link that will work for you is (notice the /es/ part).

    We are working on fixing this, but until then the link above should work for you. Please let us know if it doesen’t.

    in reply to: Student cards and Lectures #1614

    Hi Pablo,

    Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We have been looking into this and found a technical issue on our site, which we are currently working on fixing.

    While we fix it, you can access the talks and lectures page by making sure you are viewing the page in the language you registered in. In your case you registered in Spanish, so the link you should follow is (notice the /es/ part).

    You did nothing wrong, the site should be able to tell that you are a registered user, regardless of which language you registered in, and we are currently looking for a solution so that it does just that, but until then the link above should work for you. Please let us know if it doesn’t.

    in reply to: Student cards and Lectures #1607

    Hello Sergio,

    Glad to hear you were able to upload your documentation.

    As far as the talks and lectures page, we have just checked and it seems to be working well on our side. This is the link:

    Rember you need to be loged in to your team’s account in order to see it.

    If you are loged in and it’s still not working for you, could you please let us know what message do you see on the screen?

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by arkitekturo.
    in reply to: Student cards and Lectures #1594

    Hello Pablo,

    Thank you for getting in touch with us. Once you complete your registration you should be able to upload you student IDs or enrollment letters by following these steps:

    1. Login to your account by following this link
    2. Navigate to the “registrations” section and click on “upload student id”
    3. Next click on “add document”
    4. Last, click on “add file” and select the document you wish to upload

    Remember documents can be JPG, PNG or PDF and they should be under 8MB each.

    Please let us know if these steps work for you, and if they don’t how far along the process are you able to get, so that we can further look into the issue an properly asist you.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by arkitekturo.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by arkitekturo.
    in reply to: Eligibility #1557

    Hello Guillermo,

    We are happy to inform you that, based on the information you provided, you are eligible to participate in the competition.

    It is ok if you graduate before the competition ends, as we only require that participants meet the eligibility criteria during one day throughout the registration period, and in you case, if your degree dates of December 10th, to us, that means that you where still officially a student before that date.

    Hope this answers your question and that we can see you around!

    in reply to: An academic as a gaurdian #1521

    Hello Zofia,

    Of course, just like with any other project, you can get advice from whomever you consider appropriate, your teachers, other students who are more advanced in their studies… as long as all the members of the team are students and eligible to participate in the competition, there is no restriction as for whom you can consult during your design process.

    Remember though that these people will not be credited on your project, as only the team members will be listed as authors.

    Hope this helps!
    The arkitekturo team

    in reply to: Preguntas de Diseño #1510

    Hola Piero,

    Muchas gracias por ponerte en contacto con nosotros. Pasamos a responder tus preguntas una a una:

    • El proceso de inscripción se realiza enteramente a través de nuestra web, comenzando concretamente en este link El pago se realiza también online, ya sea mediante tarjeta de crédito o débito o mediante PayPal.
    • Todas las charlas quedan grabadas, por lo que una vez registrados podréis tener acceso a ellas, incluso las que ya hayan pasado, y por supuesto podréis acceder en directo a las que aún están por venir.
    • Podéis empezar con el proceso de diseño en cualquier momento, no tenéis porqué esperar a las charlas. En este link podéis encontrar todo el material de trabajo, incluidas las bases completas del concurso donde se encuentra el enunciado completo del ejercicio.
    • En cuanto a la presentación, sois libres de seleccionar qué material representa mejor vuestro proyecto. Hay proyectos que quizá puedan entenderse sin una sección, mientras que para otros puede ser indispensable. En cualquier caso se trata de un concurso de idea, por lo que no es necesario dar soluciones técnicas, ni hacer ningún tipo de cálculos.

    Espero haber solucionado vuestras dudas. Si tenéis cualquier otra no dudéis en escribirnos.

    in reply to: Entry conditions #1509

    Hello Luciana,

    Thank you for getting in touch with us. I believe the information you are looking for ins in the “submission” section from the competition’s brief, which can be downloaded at any time (before or after the registration) through the downloads section of our site

    You should refer to the competition’s brief to get all the details, but in short, you are welcome to work on your project freely, using any representation technique you want (hand drawings, computer drawings, renders, sketches, physical models…) and to select whichever pieces of information you think represent your project best in your board.

    Just for you to know, next week our friends from Learning Upstairs will be releasing a video analyzing the some professional competition boards to help you understand what kind of presentation could work best in the context of a competition, and in a few weeks there will be an open Q&A with them for registered teams where you will be free to ask them any questions regarding your presentation and they will give you their advice.

    I hope this answers your question. Please don’t hesitate to let us know if there is anything else we can do for you.

    The arkitekturo team

    in reply to: Eligibility #1504

    Hello Mayank,

    Thank you for getting in touch and explaining your situation. In your case it will all come down to whether you have or not any kind of documentation that still shows you are a student.

    We can’t check if every single participant is actually attending classes, so we base eligibility on official documentation. If you still have a valid ID, or maybe your enrollment letter says something like “enrolled to the June – December semester”, you would still be a student as far as we are concerned, and therefore eligible to participate in the competition, even if you classes might have finished already a few months back.

    If you are not sure whether your documentation actually proves you are a student or not, feel free to e-mail it to us at competition[at]arkitektur[dot com] and we will check it for you before you register.

    Let us know if there is anything else we can do for you 🙂

    in reply to: Team composition #1489

    Hello Jefferson,

    Yes, as long as the 8 of you are students, and none of you have previously graduated as an architect, you are welcome to join the competition.

    Quoting the competition’s brief, which you can find in the downloads section:

    This brief is especially tailored towards architecture students, however, students from other fields, related to architecture or not, who have an interested in participating are also welcome to do so, as long as they meet the previously mentioned criteria.

    Hope this helps! We would love to see how a group of civil engineers approach the project 🙂

    in reply to: I do not find my country Cote d’Ivoire. #1485

    Hello Hanon,

    Thank you for letting us know about this problem. You are completely right, Cote d’Ivoire was not included in the study we used to set the prices per country.

    We have done some research and found the website of one of the major movie theaters in Cote d’Ivoire (, from which we were able to get the price of a movie ticket (5000 FCFA according to their site) and add it to the list of available countries.

    If you try to register again you’ll find that Cote d’Ivoire is now available, under the english name of “Ivory Coast”.

    Really sorry about this. Please let us know if there is anything else we can do for you.

    The arkitekturo team

    in reply to: Online Events. #1475

    Hello Jorge,

    We are glad to hear you are looking forward to the online events 🙂

    Some lectures will be pre-recorded, while others will be live sessions where you’ll be able to interact with the teachers. The later will also be recorded so that people who are not able to attend live can also access them later.

    Once these videos become available you’ll be able to find them in your team’s account dashboard.

    We will make announcements on Instagram so that you guys know when there’s new content to available. As for the live events, we will post about them on our Instagram account a few days in advance, as some of them might require people to sign-up for them (just so that we can get manage the attendance).

    Hope this answers your question.

    The arkitekturo team

    in reply to: Eligibility #1457

    Well, this is a student competition, and as organizers of the event we need to make sure we keep it fair for everyone joining. As per the competition’s rules of participation, available in the competition’s brief; It is mandatory that you all participants can prove their student status during at least one day within the competition’s time frame, and in the case of postgraduate and masters students they should also be able to prove that didn’t graduate more than 18 months ago.

    If you are currently a recently graduated architect and you don’t enroll in any other program before the competition ends, I’m afraid you will not be eligible to submit your project. If that were the case, you can sell your registration to other students who are eligible and would like to join. Team members can be changed, added and removed, but unfortunately entry fees are non-refundable.

    in reply to: Eligibility #1434

    Hi Cristián,

    We only require that participants meet the participation criteria during one day within the registration period. That means that if today you are eligible, you can participate, it doesn’t matter if you graduate before the competition ends.

    Hope this answers your question, and good luck!

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by arkitekturo.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by arkitekturo.
Viewing 15 posts - 241 through 255 (of 257 total)