Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 181 through 195 (of 257 total)
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  • in reply to: Eligibility #4578

    Hola Fernando,

    Puedes modificar, eliminar o agregar miembros a tu equipo en cualquier momento hasta la fecha límite de registros (en este caso es el 4 de abril). Para hacerlo sólo tienes que enviarnos los datos de los nuevos integrantes por e-mail a y nosotros los agregaremos por ti.

    in reply to: Cohors Ganda #4557

    Nice to meet you all!

    Having the freedom to experiment is definitely one of the great things about participating in competitions as a student. Professional architects are tempted to “play it safe” when participating in competitions because they think that’s they only way they might get new commissions without being well known. Students on the other hand find themselves wanting to please their teachers so they can get better grades… Participating in a competition as a student is truly a unique opportunity to experiment and push the boundaries of your ideas. Worst case scenario your idea does not work and does not affect your grades. Best case scenario you come up with something unique and amazing that will give you confidence to keep experimenting after graduation.

    We all look forward to seeing what you guys come up with.

    Best of luck!

    in reply to: AF GROUP #4554

    Hello and welcome!

    It’s great to hear that you guys have been working together since so early in your career. Such an inspiring story 🙂
    Who knows, maybe you can start your own practice together once you graduate.

    Best of luck!

    in reply to: Eligibility #4553

    Hola Yanina,

    Durante el día de ayer tuvimos un problema técnico on la página que impedía que se pudiese ver la página con las charlas. Esta mañana lo hemos solucionado, por lo que ahora deberías poder ver los videos sin problemas. Si no fuese así, por favor no dudes en avisarnos, y disculpa por el inconveniente.

    in reply to: Sobre la entrega #4552

    Hola Yanina. 8MB es el tamaño máximo que puede tener cada uno de los archivos que cargues para la entrega, no la entrega en total. No hay ningún límite de peso para todos los archivos de la entrega combinados. Si por ejemplo cargases 5 archivos, cada uno de ellos podría tener 8MB, llegando aun peso combinado de 40MB.

    in reply to: This is me, hi. #4465

    Fun fact, so far 30% of registered teams are “solo” teams, so you might be “solo”, but are not alone! 😉

    in reply to: DesMag #4464

    Hola Magali y Desirée, bienbenidas! 🙂
    Nos alaga que hayáis elegido el Bauhaus Campus 2021 como vuestro primer concuros. Esperamos que os aporte mucho y os anime a participar en otros eventos similares, y si tenéis cualquier duda aquí estamos para ayudaros!

    in reply to: Hello, we are SxVH! #4463

    We love to see students from other disciplines other than architecture join the competition. We believe your unique tools to approach the brief will make for a very interesting proposal. Can’t wait to see it! And welcome to the three of you! 🙂

    in reply to: 如何添加指导教师 #4459

    Hi there! We used Google translate to understand your questions. We understand you are asking about how do I add an instructor to your team. If this is correct, there is no way to add instructors to your team. You are welcome to get advice from a teacher/architect on your project, but they will not be part of your team and therefore will not be credited in the project.

    Hope this answers your questions 🙂

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by arkitekturo.
    in reply to: Registro #4458

    Hola Yanina. Si bien no terminamos de entender cual era el problema, nos alegramos de que lo hayas podido solucionar. ¡Bienvenida! 🙂

    in reply to: About the presentation board #2972

    That is a great point! Learning how to synthesize and show a project within limited space/time is definitely a valuable skill. We are still considering the implications of changing the presentation board size. We might reach out to you all registered teams soon so that you can share your opinions on this and weight in on the de final decision 😉

    in reply to: Greetings! #2971

    Hi Furkan, nice to meet you! 🙂

    We completely understand your situation, and would like to share a thought that might help you view your architecture studies with more optimism.

    Because architects have been around for centuries, like doctors, it is often thought that if you study architecture you can only work as an architect, the same way if you study medicine you can only be a doctor. However, we believe that is not true at all. Studying architecture opens so many doors that are not necessarily the traditional “architecture studio” work. We’ve seen architect become great project managers, web designers, video game designers, launch and manage plenty of ONGs that focus on social issues, and much more.

    We encourage you to look at your architecture studies as a path with multiple branches. Keep an open mind and you’ll find your purpose soon enough, and when you do you’ll surely find your architecture studies very handy 😉

    in reply to: Condiciones para los participantes #2771

    Hola Alvaro,

    Gracias por ponerte en contacto con nosotros. Efectivamente, el Bauhaus Campus 2021 es un concurso exclusivamente para estudiantes, y para poder ofrecerles un entorno de justo donde proyectar y competir, no pueden participar arquitectos titulados.

    in reply to: hello guys #2755

    Hello Andre! Nice to meet you 🙂

    Well, designing solo means you will have full control over your project and won’t have to convince anyone about your ideas, which can be great at times. It also means there won’t be anyone there to remind you to do the work, so be careful with procastination! We recomend setting partial deadlines for yourself and try your best to stick to them so that you don’t have to end up rushing at the end 😉

    Good luck!

    in reply to: Working Material #2718

    Hello Anastassia,

    We do not provide working material other than the one available for download on the downloads page (before and after registration), but please refer to this other thread in the forum for some guidance on the surrounding building heights.

    Also remember this is an ideas competition and the presentation space quite limited. The jury will be looking mostly for a solid concept rather than very detailed plans and/or solutions.

    Hope this helps! 🙂

Viewing 15 posts - 181 through 195 (of 257 total)