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  • in reply to: Es solo una lámina? y en qué idioma las tengo que entregar #5138

    Hola Rodrigo, te remito a la pregunta propuesta por @JOSE JEREMIAS FELICIANO GOMEZ para que todo el mundo disponga de la misma información

    in reply to: Parking spaces #5118

    This competition does not rely on any regulation, nor do we do not provide or have acces to local regulations from the city of Dessau. If you want to design a parking for cars and bicycles your should design the best car and bicycles praking you can imagine, regardless of regulations 🙂

    in reply to: Parking spaces #5108

    Hello Iryna,

    This being an ideas competition, you do not need to follow any urbanistic or construction regulations.

    As for car parking space, this is not required by the brief. Like in many other urban campuses, the brief does not ask for car parking space. However, if you believe parking space is required to develop a successful project, you are free to include it, but you’ll need to justify that decision in your presentation so that the jury understands your thinking process.

    in reply to: Consulta sobre certificado de estudio en la inscripcion #5107

    Hola Maria,

    Entiendo que lo que buscas es información sobre las tarifas de registro, que están basadas en el precio de la entrada de cine en cada país, ¿correcto? En ese caso puedes revisar los precios por países en este link Si no era esto lo que estabas buscando por favor no dudes en decírnoslo.

    in reply to: Es solo una lámina? y en qué idioma las tengo que entregar #5086

    Hola Rodrigo,

    Puedes encontrar toda la información sobre la entrega en las bases completas del concurso .

    En cualquier podemos confirmarte que la entrega se realiza en una sola lámina, y que el idioma oficial del concurso es el inglés. Ningún proyecto será descalificado por incluir textos en otros idiomas, pero es posible que el jurado no los comprenda, y sobre todo puede ser una limitación de cara a publicar el proyecto en medios internacionales una vez anunciados los resultados del concurso.

    También aprovechamos para recordarte que, en caso de que no lo hayas hecho aún, actualmente estamos realizando una encuesta para ver si a la mayoría de participantes les gustaría que cambiasemos el tamaño del panel de entrega de din-A2 a din-A1, te invitamos a votar aquí.

    in reply to: About the presentation board #5085

    Hola Jose,

    No, los archivos que se suben de forma independiente tienen que ser exclusivamente los que se encuentren dentro del din-A2. El jurado sólo revisará el panel, no los archivos independientes. El objetivo de pedir los archivos de forma independiente es poder publicarlos de forma correcta en webs de arquitectura, revistas y redes sociales, donde la presentación “en panel” puede no ser la más adecuada.

    in reply to: Consulta sobre certificado de estudio en la inscripcion #5077

    Hola Maria,

    Es necesario que podamos verificar la condición de estudiante de todos los miembros del equipo, pero no es necesario que todos presenten la misma documentación.

    Podemos aceptar cualquier documento donde se vea el nombre del alumno y una fecha de caducidad, o bien se pueda deducir que la persona es aún estudiante. Són valios por ejemplo los dos documentos que mencionabas, pero también nos serviría una simple captura de pantalla de la intranet de vuestra universidad donde se vea el nombre del alumno y las asignaturas a las que está actualmente matriculado/a, o bien las asignaturas pendientes para finalizar la carrera.

    Dentro del equipo cada uno puede presentar un tipo de documento distinto y no sería ningún problema. Siempre y cuando sirva para verficar la condición de estudiante de la persona nosotros pondremos todo de nuestra parte para validar el documento. Al fin y al cabo no queremos hacerle la vida dificil a nadie, sólo necesitamos realizar esta verificación para garantizar que el concurso es justo para todos 🙂

    Si tenéis cualquier otra duda antes del registro no dudéis en preguntar.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by arkitekturo.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by arkitekturo.
    in reply to: About the presentation board #5052

    Hello Magali,

    Sure thing, we are sorry about any confusion we might have caused.

    Your project must indeed be presented in just one single A2 panel. Nahuel was probably asking how many boards could be presented, and the answer to that question is just one.

    Your single presentation board will probably contains everal pieces of information. For example, your board might include a main render, a floorplan, a section and a paragraph of text. What we ask is that you submit your A2 panel, and then also upload all those pieces of information individually aswell. So in that case you would upload:

    • One file with your A2 panel
    • and then

    • One file with only your render
    • One file with only your floorplan
    • One file with only your section
    • Your text

    So in the end the only information you will be submiting is the one on your A2 panel, nothing more.

    We ask to receive all the pieces of information indivdually because it makes it easier to publish them on architecture websites, blogs and magazines.

    Hope this makes sense. Please let us know if you need any further clarification.

    The arkitekturo team

    in reply to: UyV Group #5051

    ¡Saludos UyV!

    Tercer año suele ser cuando las cosas empiezan a ponerse serias y uno empieza a entender, si no del todo, por lo menos un poco mejor, qué tipo de arquitecto quiere ser. Esperamos que este proyecto os ayude en este punto y pueda ser algo de lo que os sintáis orgullosos durante mucho tiempo.

    Saludos desde Barcelona 🙂

    in reply to: Hello from Brazil #5050

    Hello Magali!

    We are delighted that you are taking part in the competition. One of our main goals as organizers was to make sure we gathered a diverse pool of participants, and I’m sure having more life experience than most participants, your view will be unique and incredibly valuable to the overall event.

    If you wanted to become a professional athlete things might be different, but for everything else age is just a number, and that is especially true in architecture. Most architects come up with their best works later in their lives, rather than sooner.

    We hope you have fund with this project and that it encourages you to pursue your dreams even further!


    in reply to: Part of two teams #4948

    Hi Kris!

    Yes, absolutely, that is not a problem at all. Ambitious, but perfectly fine with us 😉


    Hi guys!

    Love your presentations! And we are thrilled to have students from the modern Bauhaus itself taking part of this competition. We are sure your view on this project will add a lot of value to everyone taking part in this adventure.

    Welcome! 🙂

    in reply to: hallihallo // studio buxte #4938

    Hello Studio buxte!

    Welcome to the competitions. The Bauhaus years at Dessau were definitely something unique in architecture history which has left it’s mark on architecture until today. We are glad that you are passionate about their vision and their legacy, and are excited to see what you come up with to ensure that legacy lives on for many more years to come!

    Good luck! 🙂

    in reply to: Eligibility #4909

    Hello Teodora,

    Thank you for reaching out to us and explaining your situation.

    If we understand correctly, architecture studies in your country are a 5.5 year program, which it just so happens to be called “masters”, but it is in reality the studies that follow high school.

    In addition to that, you had to take some time off before finishing this program for personal reasons not related to your studies or your professional career as an architect.

    If that is correct, then you are, as far as we are concerned, an architecture student who hasn’t graduated yet, and you are welcome to join the competition 🙂

    in reply to: Plot #4868

    Hello Ihor,

    What you are suggesting is not required in the excercice’s brief, therefore it goes against the requirements. That being said this is an ideas competition, and as such all ideas are welcome and will be considered. Your project WILL NOT BE DISCUALIFIED just because you made changes to the brief (after all, projects challenging the brief in professional competitions have even been awarded and built). However, if you are going to challenge the brief you must be sure the result makes for a better overall project, and that the jury, by looking at your presentation board, is able to understand why the project is better with that adjacent plot than it would have been with the given one.

    So to sum up. If you are going to use an adjacent plot just because you like it better, that probably will not be a good idea. If on the other hand you can show that by using that adjacent project the Bauhaus Campus 2021 can go from being a good project to beeing an amazing project, then you are welcome to explore that idea 🙂

Viewing 15 posts - 151 through 165 (of 257 total)