Mies Van Der Rohe Memorial Library by Bilo and Moulden

This project was submited to the Mies Memorial Library competition with Registration ID #23198
Bilo and Moulden
Thomas Moulden
University of Maryland, College Park
Ben Bilo
University of Maryland, College Park

The building is designed in the architectural style of Ludwig Mies Van der Rohe, but with a unique twist. The entire building has been rotated so that it will stand out in the otherwise orthogonal urban landscape of the Illinois Institute of Technology’s campus. Because the building is a new addition commemorating the accomplishments of Mies, it should not seek to blend in entirely with the rest of his work. It is of a new time, perspective, and purpose and therefore should sit on its own axis.

Although the building should stand out, it should also demonstrate the style and technology championed by Mies. The facade is designed to resemble Crown Hall but has been made shorter and more subdivided in order to avoid overshadowing the masterpiece that is the school’s architectural epicenter.

Emphasis has been placed on pairing student workspaces with outward views around the building so occupants can simultaneously admire and connect with Mies’ masterplan.

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