LooKAround by OGZ

This project was submited to the Bauhaus Campus 2021 competition with Registration ID #4396
Johan Ortega Gómez
Escuela Superior de Arquitectura
Francisco Campos Valdez
Escuela Superior de Arquitectura

The project consists of generating a concept where observation is valued as the maximum exponent of design. The concept speaks of turning around, fixate on a point of observation be your tool, as we recognize the problems follow a dialogue that ends up giving the answers.

Look around is an exploration of the capacities of architecture where space is lived both internally and externally, there is the ability to circulate through its roof as well as through its interior, generating a strong connection between internal and external space, breaking paradigms in published it as private.

The roof was born from the demand to connect spaces, from simple shapes such as interspersed rectangular planes an investigation of a functional skeleton is carried out from platforms, a skin is placed on it, making it flexible and free with the possibility of not feeling limitations in the form, significantly gives an appropriation of space, a capacity of organic systems.

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