Experiment the Experience by Irreal

This project was submited to the Bauhaus Campus 2021 competition with Registration ID #2923
Furkan Berke Çilesizoğlu
Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University

Just as masters of Bauhaus used modernism to deal with modernity, in the newest campus we are dealing with the digital world by using digital methods. This methods helped us to create new ways of interacting with space. We are not anymore bound by any structural constraints. We are free to play with facade, roofs, surfaces.. We can build taller and thinner. We can build spacious and free spaces. We can now focus on important aspects of architecture: spaces, lights, shadows, forms. From a phenomenalogical standpoint, we can only truly experience a building by actually being there in person. Experimenting with spaces, materials, forms and experiencing these  spaces, materials. forms. This is the way, this campus is built. Every surface is customizable by students as part of the education and as part of the campus life. Campus gives students new perspectives by literally giving a students new perspectives, unconstrainably elongated observation tower, accessible rooftops, maze like mezanines and underground workspaces.

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