Bauhaus Campus 2021 The bauhaus campus of the 21st century seeks contribute to thinking about future architecture, generating an environment of collaboration and inclusion.First by providing a tour public that connects with the city and the public during exhibitions.Second responding ecologically to the environment,
collecting precipitation and reusing it. nature
is constantly incorporated into the campus
Man’s contact with nature is essential the triangular plan allows us to zone 3 types of public (auditorium), semi-private (rooms) and private (classes and workshops) environments and manage to generate in the middle a free public passage towards the cafeteria, the patio and the exhibits.
5.Halls and elevators
6.Main income
10.Classes and
The campus is located in the center of the field and follow the urban fabric.The heights of the vertices adjust to the surrounding environment.Curved Roof structure that carries all the rain and snow .A large central patio as a receiver of water and lighting.Public pass on the first floor across the courtyard and responds to biannual exhibitions-First FloorSecond Floor
Third FloorSection A -A
Bauhaus Campus – Arch Sense
This project was submited to the Bauhaus Campus 2021 competition with Registration ID #2512
Arch Sense
Nahuel Agustín Vizcarra Zorrilla
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
José Miguel Pinto Company
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Reynaldo Italo Siccha Lázaro
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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