Bauhaus21 by agila

This project was submited to the Bauhaus Campus 2021 competition with Registration ID #2537
Charlotte Raisch
Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart
Jonny Kielhorn
Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart


The Bauhaus connected the profession of craftmanship, arts and design. Students had the opportunity to work on these topics at the same time. The „Bauhaus Gedanke“ was very groundbreaking for their time, and in parts it holds on to current times. Main part was to connect industry to society, typology and functionalism that lead to a radical change.

In our Bauhaus 21 Campus we created a physical, as well as a fluid and connected space to virtuality for students of all creative disciplines, as well as professionals to meet, interconnect, and learn from each other. 

Industry changed, or at least the opportunities and tools, to create the new world of tomorrow.

Digital tools and fabrication as well as the possibility of the virtual global connection changed our future and offered new options in all fields of life.

Spending our time in limited 2D virtual spaces on our smartphones, laptops and screens is everybody’s usual life. Architecture and buildings didn’t make the step into new ages, to connect virtual opportunities in physical spaces. The new Bauhaus Campus tries to fill this lack of smart, intelligent and connected spaces to the virtual layer and space.

Parametric Typologies based on XS to XL spaces are connected on motion lines through the entire Campus. They are connected through intervisibile atriums to encourage spontaneous interaction, flow of motion, and to establish an effective working, learning and communication space.

Combining AR technology on one hand, a „hands on“ and workshop space on the other hand creates perfect conditions to use the advantages of the digital tools as well as the „old school“ and well approved physical tools.

The public exhibition space, which floats through the building, connects the flexible auditorium (half public) with a green space of the Campus Plaza. 

Nobody would have expected that in 100 hundred years our life conditions and beliefs would have changed so radically but the buildings stayed the same. Isn’t it time for new styles of architecture?

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