Bahaus Competition This design proposal for the new Bauhaus Campus introduces the future of architecture, one that is built with sustainability, tectonics and functionality in mind. The new campus is proposed to be located in a historical site, surrounded by lush greenery and celebrated buildings. It is composed of three major buildings, each with specific programming integrated into the curriculum of architecture. With this in mind, the proposed design is oriented to highlight two significant landmarks, the original Bauhaus School and the new Bauhaus Museum, framing the views to highlight its past and emphasize its future. As a monumental and iconic movement in the world of architecture, this design challenges Bauhaus to redefine their meanings for the industry’s future.
Bauhaus of Tomorrow
This project was submited to the Bauhaus Campus 2021 competition with Registration ID #2608
Bauhaus of Tomorrow
Treya Vyas
Ryerson University
Julia Buli-E
Ryerson University
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