Bau_World by wonbra

This project was submited to the Bauhaus Campus 2021 competition with Registration ID #5328
Brian Won
School of the Art Institute of Chicago

People from all around the world come together in Bauhaus to practice their dreams and studies. They will spread out to the world and become successful architects and artists. The skills students learn at Bauhaus could make a meaningful impact on the world after graduation.

New Campus Bauhaus should not only be a new school for the students, but also be a new journey, full of excitement and freshness. The campus is the world. Students are the travelers. They will share their thoughts and knowledge with each other from different countries. There will be opportunities to learn different scales, various cultures, and architecture laws of each country. They will decorate school and make models by studying each country, city, or global anniversary.

Students will travel the school. They will go around the globe. Students, Faculties, and everyone in Bauhaus are the one who create school. We pioneer new idea and conquer the world.

The New Campus is located in the triangular site right next to the train rail. Local characteristic of Dessau is that every building and houses are built along the boundary and cover the courtyard in the center. New Bauhaus is a triangular building along the site, that embraces the architecture and the world. Students and faculty will be able to see it and approach it easily from every three wings.

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