Not belonging to a mold, rejecting boundaries, thinking beyond what exists.. Each of these are elements that develop creative thinking. Putting a designer in the mold is taking away his greatest talent, creativity. Questioning what was thought to be true, thinking beyond what existed, as Groupius did about 100 years ago, brought architecture to the present day. We choose to break down the boundaries that exist in our project. Yeah, maybe there’s a wall or a circulation we know. But can all this be questioned again? Can the entire space be turned into a “learning space” when desired? Can new spaces be created freely in the already existing space when desired? We aim to answer all these questions with “BOUNDLESS MIND”.
In the built space, the top of the structure, which is widely spread over the land, is completely covered with a top cover. The spaces created under it have a fiction in the usual order. But there are no limit objects in our project. The walls separating the classes can be rearranged and turned into need boards, and the space can become a single class. In fact, not just classrooms, but the entire land can become a “learning area” by opening the windows separating the entire space. In this way, it is aimed that students do not think in molds, that their free minds are released. It is also aimed at the development of everyone’s creative thinking skills, as all classes without hierarchical distinction or even all visitors interact with each other. In this way, a whole new understanding is aimed at where the thoughts formed in the minds are constantly competing with each other and the effort to produce new ideas becomes an ecosystem that extends from individuals to society. In addition, it’s makes a reference to the past by adding the trees, which are the first educational grounds of humanity, to education areas. The new BAUHAUS, which will shed light on the future with what the future and the past bring, will be a brand-new center where everyone discovers new limits of their creativity. This place, which carries the imagined into reality, the unimaginable to the minds and will be the starting point of the most special ideas, already makes us feel the freedom of thinking beyond our borders. So do you guys feel it?
This project was selected as a Finalist by the jury of the Bauhaus Campus 2021 competition. Registration ID #1676
Ahmet Ertugrul Togay
Cankaya University
Sukran Yavuz
Cankaya University
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