Forum Replies Created

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  • arkitekturo

    Hi John! We are excited to see what you all come up with too! Welcome to the challenge! 🙂

    in reply to: Less is more #6040

    Hi SxVH! Hope you got a chance to join the live master class and that it helped you understand how to create hierarchy within your board and how to communicate your concept. If you were not able to attend the session was recorded and will be uploaded to the “talks & lectures” section tomorrow.

    in reply to: Beginner’s Question for an Ideas Competition #6038

    Hi Magali! Tell us about your concerns, and we’ll try our best to guide you and provide feedback.

    Why 3021? We didn’t imply the project needs to be futuristic, just that you don’t need to deal with the bureaucracy of urban and construction regulations.

    Also remember you have very limited space to present your project, so you should focus on trying to communicate your main ideas for the project.

    in reply to: Beginner’s Question for an Ideas Competition #6021

    Hi Furkan,

    Thank you for your question. We do find that a lot of participants struggle with the same things you so clearly touched on here. It’s great that guys ask these questions and get to learn about the differences between designing for a real project vs. an ideas competition at this stage. Like we always say, we want arkitekturo’s competitions to be a learning experience!

    So moving on to your question. There is nothing wrong with your design process. A good site analysis is always a good place to start any project, and the rest of your process is also valid. Regardless of what your specific design process is, every project usually starts from the bigger ideas/decisions and slowly moves on to the more specific. For example, this could be the workflow of a regular (completely made up) project:

    1. You do your site analysis and other previous research.
    2. You start sketching and envision a single-story building with a huge retractable roof that will open up at specific times of the day/year turning the inside of your building into an outdoors space.
    3. You also decide that your one-story high façade will be cover with a local stone that’s the same overall color as the landscape there, so you picture your building fully merging with the landscape.
    4. Then you start laying out the interior spaces and realize its probably best to always keep the roof on top of the offices and bathrooms, so you make your retractable roof smaller.
    5. You also realize when the roof is down you need some windows to let the light in, so you bring in some glass to your previously all-stone façade.
    6. You then start applying all the local safety regulations, fire escapes, etc. and you realize you need to have an emergency exit every 20 meters, so you add some extra doors to your façade.
    7. You then learn that the biggest retractable roof that can be built is half of what you had envision, so you adapt your design accordingly.
    8. You then start doing some budget calculations and realize you are way over budget, so you make your retractable roof even smaller and replace your fancy stone-façade for ceramic pieces that kind of resemble the color you envisioned earlier.
    9. By then you realize you probably need to compromise on a lot o other things in order for your project to be buildable, within budget and following all urbanistic, construction, safety and sustainability regulations.
    10. You are finally done, you have been able to check all the boxes required by the brief, satisfy all regulations and stay within budget. At this point your project probably only slightly resembles your sketches and initial vision.

    When designing for an ideas competition you can follow that same process, but you can stop on step 5, when your idea is still “pure” and the only changes you’ve made to your initial concept have been in order to improve your building from an architectural perspective, to make it more usable and comfortable for the people who will be using it, and not to satisfy some overly-generic regulation or to maximize the developer’s profits.

    In other words, here is a list of things that make designing for a real project vs. an ideas competition different.

    • In an ideas project there is not construction budget limit, unless otherwise specified in the brief. In this case there is no limit.
    • In an ideas competition you don’t need to follow city planning rules and regulations.
    • In an ideas competition you don’t need to follow local construction regulations.
    • In an ideas competition you don’t need to figure out every single detail of the project. Such details belong to a more advanced stage of the project.

    Hope this gives you a better idea of what’s expected within the context of an ideas competition 🙂

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by arkitekturo.
    in reply to: ELIGIBILITY #5961

    Hello Diln,

    Like you said, this is an ideas competition for students, so unfortunately you are not eligible to participate. Imagine how you would feel if you participated in a competition as a students and a professional architect, with a lot more experience, came in and won the event. As organizers we need to make sure we keep the competition fair for everyone.

    We love that you are interested in the brief though, so please contact us at so we can discuss futher about how you could possible be involved in this 😉

    in reply to: Cual es exactamente el material que hay que entregar #5960

    Hola Javier,

    La propuesta debe presentarse en un único panel din-A1. No se aceptará ningún material complementario.

    Recordar que se trata de un concurso de ideas, por lo que el jurado prestará especial atención precisamente a eso, a las ideas, al concepto del proyecto, buscará una buena organización espacial, pero no espera ver detalles constructivos, calculos estructurales ni todo este tipo de detalles.

    in reply to: About the technology #5959

    Hello Zhichao,

    Excellent question! This being an ideas competition, you are welcome to push the boundaries of what would be possible if this was a project meant to be built. The jury will be paying particular looking for a strong concept and a good spatial organization, but will not focus on construction details of any kind. Your project does not need to follow any construction or urbanistic regulations that might exist in Dessau in the real world either.

    So to answer your question in clear terms. Yes, you are welcome to propose the use of a technology that does not exist yet but might exist in the future.

    We are excited to see what you come up with!

    in reply to: Hora del evento #5861

    ¡Hola Juliana!

    Por supuesto, lo acabamos de publicar en Instagram, dejamos aquí una caputura de pantalla 😉

    No olvidéis enviar vuestras preguntas a través del siguiente formulario por adelantado para tener más posibilidades de que nuestros amigos de Learn Upstairs respondan a vuestras dudas

    Presentation boards Q&A

    in reply to: Presentation Board Orientation #5858

    Hello Mohammad,

    You are free to decide if you want your presentation board to be vertical or horizontal. Just as a reminder, also remember that the size of the presentation board was recently changed from din-A2 to din-A1, so you have a bit more space to present your project now 😉

    in reply to: Welcome solos!!! We gotta share some ideas #5826

    Hi Brian!

    COVID has definitely forced many of us to rethink our plans… we are sorry to hear in your case this meant postponing your experience studying abroad. Hopefull you’ll be able to go back to Chicago soon!

    You are definitely not alone! New update, as of today 27% of teams are solo teams. Welcome! 🙂

    in reply to: Dimension problem #5825

    Hello Sadia,

    Thank you for getting in touch with us. We are not able to find this discrepancy on our end, and other teams do not seem to have found it either, so maybe it’s a problem specific to the sorftware you are using, the units you set it up to or something along those lines. Please give us some more information about the differences you’ve found and we’ll be happy to help you figure out which of the sources is mistaken 😉

    in reply to: existing buildings #5824

    Hi Ruken,

    Yes, you can ignore the two small constructions that are inside the boundaries of the given site, they currently don’t have any releveant use and where arguably built outside of the city’s regulation. Consider the site to be completely empty for the purpose of this competition.

    in reply to: EL SITIO #5444

    Hola Fernando,

    Tienes razón en que no hay nada como conocer bien un lugar y sus costumbre, sin embargo, incluso (o sobre todo) en el mundo profesional esto no siempre es posible, y como arquitectos tenemos que realizar el mejor trabajo posible con la información que tenemos.

    El jurado no tendrá en cuenta el origen de cada equipo a la hora de juzgar los proyectos. Cada proyecto será juzgado como tal, en función de sus bondades y defectos a niel arquitectónico y lo bien o mal que solucionen los requerimientos espaciales propuesto en el ejercicio.

    Sí podemos compartir que de los equipos actualmente registrados al concurso solamente el 3% son de universidades alemanas, y muchas de ellas no están cerca de Dessau, por lo que la gran mayoría, por no decir todos los equipos, se encuentran en la misma situación que vosotros.

    Si bien no hay nada como la experiencia de visitar un lugar, lo cierto es que a día de hoy existe mucha información objetiva que podemos conseguir online, como datos climatológicos de la zona o los eventos culturales que allí se realizan, y otros incluso más subjetivos, como la posibilidad de caminar virtualmente por sus calles, que os pueden ayudar a formaros una buena idea del lugar. Os animamos a explorar estas vías tanto como os sea posible.

    in reply to: Changing team members #5443

    Hi Quan. Sorry for the delay. We have just replied to your message and made the changes to your team. Please let us know if you need anything else 😉

    in reply to: site #5421

    Hi Flo,

    Thank you for your question. This being an ideas competition, we encourage you to push the boundaries of the brief. If adding this “extensions” outside the site is a critical part of your concept, then sure, go for it! Just remember to explain in your presentation why you had to do this and why it makes for a better project, so that the jury can properly understand and judge your project.

Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 257 total)