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  • in reply to: What are the “no-no”s of presentation boards #7953

    We do keep track of who submits what, so we will always know that your board is yours. However, it is always good practice to identify your board with your registration ID.

    in reply to: What are the “no-no”s of presentation boards #7781

    Hello Furkan!

    It’s great that you are thinking about these things, and we look forward to seeing what advice other participants might have. We also recommend that you watch the presentation Q&A we did with learn upstairs.

    As for this particular competition, we know many of you guys are participating in a competition for the first time, so we are going to be flexible when it comes to rookie mistakes and won’t disqualify anyone for honest mistakes on their boards.

    That being said, some things that are usually important when submitting your presentation to a competition are:

    • Check if there’s a list of required graphic elements you need to submit (like floorplan, sections, etc.) and make sure you have them all.
    • Check which language should your text be in.
    • Check how does your board need to be identified.

    Checking those will ensure that you comply with the minimum requirements, but once you’ve checked those boxes you need to make sure your board stands out. At this stage you should be asking yourself at least some of these questions:

    • Is my board visually appealing/catchy?
    • Is my board easy to understand? Is there enough hierarchy?
    • Is my board highlighting the most important aspects of my project? Is it transmitting its main concept/identity?
    • Is very drawing on my board adding valuable information? (you don’t want to add more drawings just because).

    Anyways, these are, in our opinion, a few boxes to check when working on your presentation board. Hope this helps! 😉

    in reply to: Instructions to submit your project #7779

    Hello Caroline. From your description of the problem it would seem like the upload process is timing out. This can happen depending on how many images you are trying to upload at the same time and the speed of your internet connection. Please try uploading images one by one. Pick one image, then click save, then pick the next, click save, and so on, see if that fixes the problem. If it does you can also try uploading 2-3 images at a time.

    in reply to: Instructions to submit your project #7778

    Hola Jose. Gracias por tu observación. Las imagenes que ves, una vez cargadas en la página, son sólo miniaturas de la imagen original que sirven como referencia para que veas lo que has subido, en qué orden, etc. Al ser miniaturas es posible que no se vean con la máxima calidad, pero no tienes de qué preocuparte ya que nosotros recibimos el archivo original, sin compresión de ningún tipo, con la misma calidad que tuviese en tu ordenador antes de ser cargada en la web.

    in reply to: Instructions to submit your project #7555

    Hello Caroline. Your files do not need to have any specif name. Since you are uploading them from your account, our system will already know they belong to you, regardless of the name each file has. As long as they are .JPG or .PNG, under 16MB for the presentation board and under 8MB for the single files, you’ll be good 😉

    in reply to: Q&A about he specific submission time? #7374

    Hi James. You can submit the project until the last minute of April 15th in the GMT-7 time zone. That is, as long as the calendar shows April 15th in that time zone you can submit your project, the moment the calendar shows April 16th you won’t.

    However, we strongly recommend that you don’t wait until the very last minute to submit your project. Computers crash, the internet goes down from time to time… life happens! And if you are trying to upload your project at the very last minute and encounter any issues, we won’t be able to help you and all your hard work won’t be accepted, which would be a real shame! Give yourself some room for the unexpected 😉

    in reply to: File Size #7269

    Hello Caroline. That is a great point. We have increased the maximun file size for the presentation board to 16MB. The maximun file size for individual files still remains 8MB, only the din-A1 board file size has been increased. Thanks for bringing this up!

    in reply to: Técnica de presentación: Collage #7268

    Hola Patricia. No hay ningún problema. Puedes utilizar imagenes obtenidas de internet con el fin de realizar tus collages para la presentación.

    in reply to: For the format of panel to be submitted #7165

    Hello Hee. The orientation of the presentation board is up to you, it can be either vertical or horizontal. As for the format of the file itself, it needs to be in either JPG or PNG. We look forward to seeing what you came up with for this project! 🙂

    in reply to: dudas sobre la inscripccion #7164

    ¡Hola Jose! Lamentamos que estés teniendo estos problemas. Si pudieses por favor enviarnos un email a explicando el problema y con tu código de inscripción alguien del equipo técnico revisará tu cuenta y con seguridad te dará una solución a la mayor brevedad.

    in reply to: Dorms #7162

    Hello Bekir. Yes, it is possible to have dorm beds for 49 or 51 people. The jury will not be counting rooms or measuring exact areas, they will be looking for a strong concept and a good organization of the spaces. A +-10% variation in the proposed areas will be absolutely no problem 😉

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by arkitekturo.
    in reply to: Confirmación de documentos para identificación. #7077

    Hola Francisco. Gracias por tu paciencia. Te confirmamos que hemos revisado vuestra documentación y todo está correcto. Vuestra participación queda confirmada 😉

    in reply to: Inquietud de diseño #7076

    Hola Maria. En muchos casos en proyectos reales, este tipo de espacios computan a la mitad de su superficie. Por ejemplo un espacio de las características que comentas de 100 metros cuadrados, sumaría 50 metros cuadrados al área construida del proyecto. Ese puede ser un buen punto de partida de cara a realizar tus cálculos.

    Sin embargo creemos que sobre estas normas debe prevalecer el sentido común. Si en todo tu proyecto existe un patio de 100 metros cuadrados, no sería ningún problema, por más que este sea “además” del ara máxima propuesta (una variación de +-10% sobre las áreas propuestas es perfectamente razonable). Si por el contrario propones 3000 metros cuadrados de patios, no tendría sentido que de repente pudieses doblar el área total del proyecto porque el techo sea retráctil en lugar de fijo.

    in reply to: Consulta #7075

    Hola Maria. Las áreas propuestas en las bases del concurso son las totales construidas, incluyendo baños, circulaciones y otros espacios complementarios. Dicho esto, y como hemos comentado en otros hilos de este foro, el jurado no va a medir cada proyecto para comprobar las dimensiones de cada espacio. Una variación de +-10% sobre las áreas propuestas no sería ningún problema.

    Si por le contrario quieres aumentar o disminuir el área mucho más que eso, el jurado sí lo verá a simple vista, y en ese caso tu lámina de presentación debe contener argumentos suficientes para convencerlos de que ese cambio en el área propuesta era necesario para lograr el mejor proyecto posible como respuesta al enunciado de este ejercicio.

    in reply to: Sketches and Files to upload #7074

    Hola Erick. Queda a criterio de cada equipo decidir el material que mejor representa su proyecto. Tener en cuenta que el espacio de la lámina de presentación es limitado, por lo que dependiendo del espacio que ocupen vuestros planos puede será necesario que estos tengan más o menos detalle. Por más en el entorno digital del ordenador la lámina pueda parecer infinita tenéis que recordar que se trata de un din-A1.

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