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  • in reply to: Square meters #23289

    Hi there!

    Yes, underground levels also count towards the total area of the building.

    Unless otherwise stated you should consider this to always be the case (not only for this competition), otherwise you could just go 5 levels underground keeping a minimum entrance at ground level and say your project is only 50 square meters, which would not be true.

    Hope this makes sense and answers your question 😉

    in reply to: 15 research stations – 80 m2 #23254

    Hello Grant,

    The research stations are workspaces for researchers who will be consulting items from the Complete Mies Collection. It’s a more private section of the library. Remember that these items are rare and valuable and can only be accessed through appointment, under supervision, and will not be able to be taken out of the building. That’s why researchers will need a comfortable workspace in a controlled environment to work with these pieces. Picture a table that is not shared with others and that is large enough to fit a blueprint of a building, a chair and good lighting.

    Hope this helps! 😉

    in reply to: Outdoor living spaces #23214

    Hi there Architecturalement!

    No, organizing and tidying up exterior spaces for uses which people would naturally give them anyway will not count towards the proposes built up area. Any building should be considerate with its most immediate surroundings, so feel free to treat those spaces as part of your project (without them counting towards the total area).

    in reply to: Hi we are 4BRAM arq from Chile! #23184

    Hello team! We are glad to have you with us for this challenge! 🙂

    Keep in mind the official language of the competition is English. We try to communicate and provide content in other languages when possible, but there are so many languages and we know so few of them…

    in reply to: Add spaces #23074

    Hello @Arquitecthores,

    Yes, you can add new areas to your project that were not requested on the brief, you can remove others that were, or you can change the suggested dimensions of any of them, but don’t do it lightly.

    The brief was carefully crafted by arkitekturo and the suggested areas and sizes are a good example of what a complete and proportionate project for this brief could look like. You are free to challenge the suggested areas, as long as you have a solid reason to do so. If you want your project to revolve around a certain area and you need to make that space larger for emphasis, by all means do it. If you read a study, found a piece of news or otherwise have specific information about how that particular city/neighborhood/site might evolve in the future and want to include new areas to your project that will help it adapt to those future developments, go for it. But always make sure your presentation clearly shows (either in drawings or writing) why you chose to do that so that the jury can understand (and possibly reward) your reasons and overall design process.

    This is an ideas competition, so ideas, in all their shapes and colors, are welcome. If you believe the final result will be a better project by making changes to the brief you should (the professional world is full of examples of architects modifying a brief and winning the competition), but it is key to remember that any changes you make must be made thinking about the project and the people who will be using it, not your personal preferences, and you must present these changes in a way that the jury can understand.

    in reply to: Existing trees #23068

    Hi there!

    Even though one should always be aware that removing a tree is not like removing a traffic light, the truth is there are no trees of special significance in the given working areas, and therefore you are free to remove them or rearrange them in your design.

    in reply to: Site Cad. #23067

    Hi there!

    You are free to use any other drawings or graphic material you can get, that’s not a problem. What we mean when we say that the material we provide is the only one valid within the context of this competition is that if there are any discrepancies between the material we provided and the one you found elsewhere, then the one we provided prevails.

    Imagine for example that a new street has recently been created, and one drawing shows it and the other one doesn’t. In a case like that whatever the drawing we provided shows is what should be considered as real within the context of the competition.

    Hope this answers your question 🙂


    Hello Camila and Diana! What a great experience to be able to study abroad. The academic oportunity is amazing, but also the bonds you’ll make with people in your same situation (like you two did) will last a life time! Welcome to the Mies Memorial Library 🙂

    in reply to: neighbours floorplans #23035

    Hello Diana,

    The floorplans of the Paul Galvin Library would be nice to have indeed. Unfortunately, we did extensive research ourselves and were unable to find them. We even contacted the IIT and SOM about getting them but didn’t hear back. If we do, we’ll sure make them available to download on the site.

    However, considering how the Library is inspired in the Crown Hall and Mies’s concept of Universal Space (which we talked about on some of the lecture and which you can also learn more about in this YouTube video) it would not surprise us that the main floor is a fully open space divided only by furniture. Again we do not know this for sure, but it’s an educated guess 😉

    in reply to: Technical areas #23012

    Hello YAD Arquitectura. Thanks for your question. A building like this will probably need a small technical area, but within the scope of this ideas competition it is not critical that you solve those spaces. You are welcome to do so of course, but if you do this area will only take up a few square meters and therefore it wont really affect the proposed total area with the % margin suggested. Remember this is an ideas competition, so the jury will not be measuring every project to verify the areas are respected to the meter. The jury is formed by a group of professionals though who have a very well-trained eye, so if the areas are 50% over the limit they will definitely spot that. As long as your built up area looks reasonable in relationship to the brief the jury will be focusing a lot more on your concept and relationship between spaces rather than in the exact area of each space.

    in reply to: Hello! Greetings from Colombia! David and Santiago #23011

    Halfway through your studies then. Congratulations! It’s definitely an excellent time to get involved in competitions and other extracurricular activities that can help broaden your knowledge and give you a better idea of what you’ll like to do in the future and the kind of architects you guys want to become.

    Glad to have you on board! Don’t hesitate to let us know if you have any questions 😉

    in reply to: doubt about the site area #23000

    Hi there!

    The site of the suggested areas is hard to tell exactly, are the limits of such sites are not strictly defined either. The IIT campus is an open space with no fences and the outdoors space is usually divided and organized by the roads and pedestrian paths. There is no rule to tell how close to the road you can build, or how important a pedestrian path is (maybe they can be integrated into the project itself like it happens in the Mccormic Tribune building).

    That being said, in the DWG file that is available in the downloads sections you’ll find a floorplan of the entire campus with a graphic scale to help you measure any distance you might need, including the sides of the proposed sites (up until were you consider their limits should be).

    Although measurements and being precise is always important in architecture, don’t forget this is an ideas competition, so concept and spatial relationships are more important that being a few centimeters off!

    in reply to: built-up areas #22999

    Hi! No, you cannot double the areas by adding more floors to the building. The suggested areas are total built up areas, you can divide them in several floor or not, that is up to your design, but adding more floors does not allow you to add more square meters to the project. Hope that makes sense 😉

    in reply to: Hello! Greetings from Colombia! David and Santiago #22998

    Welcome LVS MIES! Glad to have you on board! Quick question, which year in your program are you guys currently at?

    in reply to: Hola from Peru and Panama :) #22805

    Hello Luis and Natalia! We love to see teams made up by students from different Schools, and in your case, also in different countries! That’s amazing 🙂

    So our warmest welcome to the Mies Memorial Library competition. Cant wait to see what you come up with for this brief!

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