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    • #20554

      As you probably already know from our mission statement, arkitekturo aims be an academic experience. This means, above anything else, the most important thing to us is that all participants learn something from this experience. Whether it was researching the Bauhaus on your own, working with your teammates, studying projects from other participants or reading the feedback from the jury, our highest hope is that by the time this competition ends, we might all be a little bit wiser, and hopefully, a little bit better architects.

      With that in mind we believe that getting the opportunity to see and study every single project submitted to the competition before the winners are announced can be a valuable learning experience, allowing you to form your own opinions, without being influenced by the jury’s decision.

      We encourage you to share your thoughts and opinions on this forum if you wish to start a debate. Did you find a project you love? A clever solution to a problem you faced yourself? Share it! Did you find a project that’s similar to yours? One you think could be improved? Share that too! As long as your comments are polite and constructive, all kinds of opinions are welcome 😊

      Keep in mind if you critique a project without offering constructive feedback, your comment might be removed from the forum. Comments such as “I don’t like project X” will not be accepted, instead try something like “I don’t quite understand some of the decision project X made. I believe they could have achieved a better solution by doing Y and Z”. The community will appreciate it, and you’ll be amazed by how much you can learn from yourself by simply taking a minute to provide constructive feedback 😉

      • This topic was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by arkitekturo.
      • This topic was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by arkitekturo.
      • This topic was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by arkitekturo.
    • #20570

      I want to congratulate all the teams, you all have a lot of talent and i hope to work with all of you in the future! i want to congratulate #2707, I loved the way you presented your project without using photorealistic renderings, you manage to capture a clear idea and allow to imagine a real figure without looking for vanalities!keep with the good job guys
      -Arquitectura Burda

      • #20574

        Thank you for sharing Jose! Choosing a representation technique is definitely an important part of a presentation. Different representation techniques might convey different feeling and emotions to the viewer, so it’s important to consciously chose a representation technique that will help you tell the story you want to tell for your project.

    • #20617

      We love #2337! It deconstructs everything and can be called a “new hierarchy” without hierarchy

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by arkitekturo.
    • #20634

      #1569 Greetings from Ukraine! We have very similar forms of the building, probably the mentality and education in the “НУ ЛП”!

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