cocoon breaker by Atelier Y

This project was submited to the Bauhaus Campus 2021 competition with Registration ID #5390
Atelier Y
Zhichao Lin
South China University of Technology
Youran Lin
South China University of Technology
Zixin Liu
South China University of Technology
Shangjie Yang
South China University of Technology
Yixin Mao
South China University of Technology
Qian Kang
South China University of Technology


Bauhaus In 1919- Industrial Revolution——Machinery production
Bauhaus In 2021 – Information Revolution——Internet and globalization

The Internet and the explosion of information are affecting how and what people get information about.

Under the influence of too much information and algorithms, people will actively and passively choose and contact the content they are interested in.

Information cocoon

It affects people’s way of thinking and biases are easy to produce.
Each member of a society can possess only a fraction of the knowledge possessed by all members.

The Bauhaus Campus of 2021 is a place where “students and professionals from around the world come up with design and architectural solutions to today’s problems.” Design is not about how the form is, but about how the form is generated, and then also about the nature of things, so that it becomes a moral problem. In a field of architecture that requires extensive cooperation, people with prejudices cannot assume a leadership role.

So the Bauhaus campus was supposed to be a place to break down prejudices and cocoons of information.


When the lecture hall needs a ceiling, the floors on both sides will be opened to provide space for the ceiling to rise. The ceiling will rise with the rails installed on both sides. When the designated position is reached, the hydraulic pump in the truss structure starts to work, bending and deforming the roof to form a closed barrier.

The Auditorium is composed of a large number of modules with a plane size of 300×600, supported and lifted by the corresponding underground hydraulic pump set, which can form a site form that meets different needs.

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