Forum Replies Created

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  • in reply to: Changing Team Members #6903

    Hello Ian. We are up to date replying to all team changes requests, so we must not have gotten your e-mail. Could you please resend it to please? Thanks and sorry for the trouble!

    in reply to: Consulta #6618

    Hello Magali. Yes, these forums will be closed for new questions, but they will remain accesible indefinitely, even after April 15th.

    in reply to: Team Student ID Confirmation #6616

    Hello IASA team! Thank for uploading the additional documentation we required. Everything looks good now. Your registration is confirmed and you are free to upload your project at any time between now and the submission deadline 😉

    in reply to: Hey, I’m joshua_architecture from GER #6615

    Welcome Joshua! 🙂 I’m sure after everyone gets to see each other’s work there will be a lot more oportunity for finding teammates for future competitions. We look forward to seeing what you come up with for this brief!

    in reply to: Sketches and Files to upload #6286

    Hello Anastassia. The jury will only review your presentation board, so any information that is not on the board will not be seen by the jury.

    in reply to: Consulta #6285

    Hola Maria,

    Podéis realizar consultras hasta el día 11 de abril, y nosotros nos comprometemos a dar respuesta a todas ellas el día 12 de abril (al final del día 12 de abril todas las preguntas habrán recibido respuesta).


    in reply to: Consulta #6284

    Hola Maria,

    El idioma oficial del concurso es el inglés. Recomendamos que todas las presentaciones estén en inglés. Esto permitirá además que más medios internacionales considere publicar vuestro proyecto una vez finalizado el concurso. Ningún proyecto será descalificado por incluir textos en otro idioma, pero recomendamos que todo sea en inglés. Los proyectos con textos en otros idiomas serán revisados igualmente y el jurado leerá los textos que entienda y omitirá los que no entienda. Cualquier proyecto con textos en otros idiomas también será más difícil de publicar.

    in reply to: Changing team members #6283

    Hello Taha,

    Sure, you can add team new teammates to your team until April 4th, as long as they are eligible to participate of course. You just need to send us an e-mail to with their info (name*, e-email*, school*, instagram username) and we will make the changes for you.

    in reply to: Presentation Board Orientation #6203

    Hello Anastassia. The files should be either JPG or PNG, and can be up to 8MB each.

    in reply to: Welcome solos!!! We gotta share some ideas #6193

    Hi Dong. That is a very interesting concept! Cant wait to see how you incorporate it to your design. Best of luck!

    in reply to: Sketches and Files to upload #6191

    Hi David,

    The separate files should be in either JPG or PNG format and can be up to 8MB each. Remember these must be the same pieces of information that are on your presentation board, each on a separate file. You should not upload any piece of information that is not in your presentation board.

    Hope this answers your question. Please let us know if you have any other doubts about the presentation 😉

    in reply to: Área construída #6168

    Hola Sebastian. Muchas gracias por tu pregunta.

    Todos los espacios deben estar comprendidos dentro del area propuesta. Dicho esto, al tratarse de un concurso de ideas hay cierta flexibilidad. El jurado no va a medir cada espacio de cada proyecto para saber cuanto mide, pero desde luego se dará cuenta rápidamente si un proyecto tiene do mil metros más de los requeridos. Una desviación de +-10% sobre el area propuesta es perfectamente aceptable. Cualquier cosa más allá de esa desviación recomendamos que sea justificada en el panel de presentación para que el jurado entienda la necesidad de ampliar/disminuir tanto las areas propuestas.

    in reply to: Consulta #6157

    Hola Maria. Gracias por tu pregunta. No, no existe un calendario previsto de funcionamiento del campus. En principio que las residencias se utilicen 12 meses o 9 probablemente no tenga mucho impacto sobre el diseño arquitectónico, pero si por algún motivo en tu caso si lo tiene, puedes decidir cual quieres que sea el calendario e indicarlo en tu presentación, para que el jurado sepa con qué supuestos has desarrollado tu proyecto.

    in reply to: Eligibility #6090

    Hi @Ian,

    Every case is different. Each country has it’s own way of doing things, and on top of that each school might also do things their way… that is why at the end of the day we can only look at official documentation to verify the student status of participants, even if this system isn’t always perfect.

    That being said, all members of your team must be students, if not today, at leas the day the competition stated, which is November 23rd 2020, and you need to be able to proof that with some sort of documentation. We can use:

    • student ID’s
    • enrolment papers (can also be screenshots
    • or letters from your school.

    As long as you can provide such a document with an expiration date after November 23rd 2020, or with something that reads as “seconds semester 2020”, “academic year 2020”, or something similar, then yes, you will be eligible to participate in the competition.

    If on the other hand your documentation has an expiration date before November 23rd 2020, or read something like “first semester 2020”, then I’m afraid that person would not be eligible to participate in the competition.

    Hope this helps. If you can, send us the documentation you have in hand before registering so that we can verify it before you complete the registration, we would be happy to do that, you can e-mail it to us at

    in reply to: Dimension problem #6085

    Hola @Eick! Perfecto, para eso está la escala gráfica, ya que ha día de hoy, y sobre todo con participantes de tantos países diferentes, existen una gran cantidad de softwares para trabajar archivos CAD, cada uno con sus peculiaridades, además de las preferencias de cada uno individualmente, ya que hay quien prefiere trabaja en metros, otros en centimetros, unos en sistema métrico, otros imperial… con la escala gráfica no hay duda 😉

Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 257 total)