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  • in reply to: Instructions to submit your project #8890

    Hola Carmen. En el formulario de entrega del proyecto verás que hay un campo de texto (como un word). Cualquier texto explicativo que haya en el panel de presentación (si lo hay, no es obligatorio) deberá ser también escrito (o copiado y pegado) en este campo.

    in reply to: Our student ID cards haven’t been approved yet #8580

    We belive this issue was solved via private conversation. We look forward to seeing your work! 🙂

    in reply to: Instructions to submit your project #8579


    in reply to: Instructions to submit your project #8578

    Hello Gabriela. Just answering this question anyway in case somebody else need an answer to it. If the upload process is successful you should be able to see the document on the upload screen, even after refreshing it. If you navigate back to the submissions page and can’t see any of your file there that means they were not uploaded properly.

    in reply to: Instructions to submit your project #8577

    Hola Lina. El idioma oficial del concurso es el inglés, y si bien ningún equipo será descalificado por incluir textos en otros idiomas, recomendamos que todo esté en inglés. Esto también hará que vuestro proyecto tenga más posibilidades de ser publicado por blogs y revistas de habla no hispana.

    in reply to: Q&A about he specific submission time? #8576

    Hello Mohammad. Yes, the deadline is 23:59 on April 15th (GMT-7) and is the same for everyone, regardless of where you live. We do not provide local times, as there are many things to consider and we would not want to provide inaccurate information. For example, you might be 14 hours ahead of GMT-7 today and only 13 tomorrow due to summer/winter time changes. That being said, you can always check the exact time in the GMT-7 time zone by visiting this link

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by arkitekturo.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by arkitekturo.
    in reply to: Instructions to submit your project #8342

    Hola Fernando. Siempre y cuando los archivos no pesen más que los límites marcados (16MB para el panel y 8MB para los archivos sueltos) no hay ninguna limitación en cuanto a la resolución que estos pueden tener.

    in reply to: Instructions to submit your project #8335

    Hello Dawid. No, it’s up to you, whatever suits your project best. Both vertial and horizontal layouts are accepted.

    in reply to: Instructions to submit your project #8327

    Hola David. La hora límite de entrega son las 23:59 del día 15 de abril en la franja horaria GMT-7. Podéis comprobar la hora exacta en dicha zona horaria a través del siguiente link

    Dicho esto os recomendamos encarecidamente que no esperéis al último momento para cargar vuestro proyecto. Hay mil cosas que pueden pasar… se puede ir la luz, la conexión a internet puede ir lenta… y sería un pena que no llegaseis a tiempo por algún problema de este tipo, los cuales, si os dais suficiente tiempo a vosotros mismos, tienen solución.

    in reply to: Instructions to submit your project #8318

    Hola Lucila. Vosotros elegís que material quereis mostrar en vuestro panel y a que escala mostrarlo. ¡Ánimo!

    in reply to: Instructions to submit your project #8315

    Hello Namrata. Our system will keep track of who uploads what, so if a presentation board has not ID it wont be an issue, however it’s always good practice to identify your board with your registration ID (and in many competitions it is mandatory), so we encourage you to include it.

    in reply to: Instructions to submit your project #8314

    Hello hhmdl. The brief was clear that the presentation should be limited to one single board. Initially it was a din-A2 board, and then the size was increased to a din-A1, but it’s still a single board.

    in reply to: Our student ID cards haven’t been approved yet #8313

    Hello Zhichao. It seems like we have not received any of your IDs. Please check that they are in the correct format (JPG, PNG or PDF) and that they are under 8MB each and try to upload them again.

    It’s not that we don’t want to offer you an aternative method for submiting your IDs, but we are worried that if you are not able to submit your IDs you will not be able to submit your project either, so it’s best if we find out what’s going on and fix it.

    in reply to: Validity of student IDs in Poland #7955

    Hello Kataryna. Thanks for the info. We have been able to verify your student status with the documentation you provided. You should have received confirmation by email this morning. You are welcome to submit your project at any time between now and the submission deadline. Best of luck!

    in reply to: Verificación ID #7954

    Hola Pilar. Todo correcto. Deberiais haber recibido una confirmación por e-mail hoy mismo 😉

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