• Este debate tiene 26 respuestas, 3 mensajes y ha sido actualizado por última vez el hace 4 años, 1 mes por Teodora Todorova.
Mostrando 13 respuestas a los debates
  • Autor
    • #1431
      Cristián Lagos

      Hi everyone!
      I already submit my inscription and payed but, I’m not totally sure if I will be a posgrade student when the last day to do the registration arrives. If that happens, what can I do? I will be not able to recieve a certificated of my participation even if I payed? or you will give my money back?

    • #1434

      Hi Cristián,

      We only require that participants meet the participation criteria during one day within the registration period. That means that if today you are eligible, you can participate, it doesn’t matter if you graduate before the competition ends.

      Hope this answers your question, and good luck!

      • Esta respuesta fue modificada hace 4 años, 4 meses por arkitekturo.
      • Esta respuesta fue modificada hace 4 años, 4 meses por arkitekturo.
    • #1450
      Cristián Lagos

      Actually, I’m not eligible, that’s why i’m asking, because I’m not a regular student now and I don’t know if I will be one when the time ends. I mean, what’s the protocole in case I don’t have any regular student certificate because I’m just a graduated architect. I only have my degree certificate

      • #1457

        Well, this is a student competition, and as organizers of the event we need to make sure we keep it fair for everyone joining. As per the competition’s rules of participation, available in the competition’s brief; It is mandatory that you all participants can prove their student status during at least one day within the competition’s time frame, and in the case of postgraduate and masters students they should also be able to prove that didn’t graduate more than 18 months ago.

        If you are currently a recently graduated architect and you don’t enroll in any other program before the competition ends, I’m afraid you will not be eligible to submit your project. If that were the case, you can sell your registration to other students who are eligible and would like to join. Team members can be changed, added and removed, but unfortunately entry fees are non-refundable.

        • #1981
          Cristián Lagos

          It’s very sad because in any place I saw that entry fees were non-refundable. Now I really want to quit this but I can`t because u didn’t give this important information, about money!

        • #1984

          Hi Cristián,

          We are sorry you feel this way, however it is no secret that the Bauhaus Campus 2021 is an architecture competition for students, it says so on the cover of the brief. The eligibility criteria is also detailed on that same document. On top of that we also have a reliable support service so that people can ask any question they need to, before or after registration.

    • #1501

      Dear team
      At Arkitekturo,

      I do hope everyone is safe and healthy during this pandemic. With the same context to Cristian’s concern above. I would like to ask you I did complete my final year of the 4year bachelor’s program in the month of July’20. But due to CoViD the convocation and degree have not been held(online) and distributed respectively yet. Will, it still counts as a fresh graduate and makes it non-eligible to take part in the competition?

      Thanking you for your time and response!

      • #1504

        Hello Mayank,

        Thank you for getting in touch and explaining your situation. In your case it will all come down to whether you have or not any kind of documentation that still shows you are a student.

        We can’t check if every single participant is actually attending classes, so we base eligibility on official documentation. If you still have a valid ID, or maybe your enrollment letter says something like “enrolled to the June – December semester”, you would still be a student as far as we are concerned, and therefore eligible to participate in the competition, even if you classes might have finished already a few months back.

        If you are not sure whether your documentation actually proves you are a student or not, feel free to e-mail it to us at competition[at]arkitektur[dot com] and we will check it for you before you register.

        Let us know if there is anything else we can do for you 🙂

    • #1556
      Guillermo Urbano

      Hello friends, I want to be sure of my registration, I will graduate on December 10, the degree document dated December 10, serves as support for the registration?

      • #1557

        Hello Guillermo,

        We are happy to inform you that, based on the information you provided, you are eligible to participate in the competition.

        It is ok if you graduate before the competition ends, as we only require that participants meet the eligibility criteria during one day throughout the registration period, and in you case, if your degree dates of December 10th, to us, that means that you where still officially a student before that date.

        Hope this answers your question and that we can see you around!

    • #1873

      Hello to all!
      My group wants to register for the competition. We are a group of 4 people, one of us has graduated about 2 years ago the same as me but at the moment I am studying my master abroad. Are we eligible for the competition?

      Thank you in advance.

      • #1874

        Hello Farnaz,

        All members of your team must be currently sutudents, so if your friend who graduated 2 years ago and isnt currently studying is not eligible to join the competition. As for yourself, master students are allowed to participate, as long as they started their master no longer than 18 months after graduating. So in your case, look at your graduation date, then look at the date when you started your masters, and if those two dates are less than 18 months apart from each other, then you are welcome to participate.

        Hope this answers your question.

    • #2061

      We are two master students and we want to start our thesis with this competition. We both started OUR master’s degree after 5 month of being student in a university which we withdrew for starting Master in the current university. Our status was student 5 month before starting Master’s and we have the documentation of the withdrawal. Regarding this situation, are we eligible for registration?

      Thank you for your help.

      • #2062

        Hello Ali,

        Thank you for getting in touch with us regarding your situation. We are flattered to hear you want to user the Bauhaus Campus 2021 as the starting point for your thesis 🙂

        So you are both currently master students, and you say you started your masters 5 months after withdrawing from a previous school. What were you studying in that previous school? I would assume it was a different master program, as you probably wouldn’t have been able to start your master if you had withdrawn from your undergraduate program.
        What we would like to know before we can confirm whether you are eligible to participate or not is when did you graduate? When did you finish your undergraduate program? Was it withing 18 months before starting your current masters program?

        At the end of the day what we are trying to do here is keep the playing field fair for all students, including those in first and second year of an undergraduate program.

        • #2075

          Thanks for your response
          for clarifying the exact situation I wrote the exact dates of our career.
          19/January/2017 Graduated from bachelors degree
          14/February/2018 Enrolled in master of architecture
          03/June/2018 withdrew
          15/September/2018 Enrolled in current masters degree

          15/November/2016 Graduated from bachelors degree
          20/January/2017 Enrolled in master of architecture
          19/February/2018 withdrew
          15/September/2018 Enrolled in current masters degree

          In general our status was ‘student of architecture’ with gaps no more than 18 month
          are we eligible in this case?

          thanks for your time.

        • #2077

          Hello Ali,

          Unfortunately it doesn’t seem like you’ll be eligible to join the competition. You have to understand this event is tailored towards undergrad students, and you guys are on y our second masters, having completed your undergrad more than 4 years ago.

          The only reason why we have the 18 months rule for master’s students is because in some countries a master is mandatory in order to graduate. Some countries have a 5-year undergrad program and others have a 4 years undergrad + 1 year master. It’s the same but divided and named differently. The 18-month rule is made for those kind of students.

          We do encourage you to take the competition’s brief and use it for your thesis project if you wish to do so, and we will be happy to assist you in answering any questions you may have if you choose to do so.

          The arkitekturo team

        • #2154

          Thank you for your feedback
          Of course it is really interesting for us to work on our thesis with this subject. We would like to know how we can access other materials for the working process as urban morphology, surrounding building’s height and so on? would you update more materials other than brief and site plan?

        • #2161

          Hello Ali,

          All the working material is available before registration on the download’s page. The only additional material registered team get are the private lectures, but we provide no additional drawings or information regarding the site. This is an ideas competition for students, so teams do not have to follow any of the urban and/or construction regstrictions that might actually apply in real life.

          The arkitekturo team

    • #2212

      Hi there. Wondering if I’m eligible to apply. I’m currently a student working on a second bachelor’s degree in science. Is this competition only for first time undergraduates studying architecture at this time? My idea is to bring more of an interdisciplinary approach, but it seems as though the competition is meant only for younger, first time students?

    • #2247

      Hello Lauren,

      Thank you for contacting us regarding your situation.

      As long as you are currently a student (which you just said you are) and your first bachelor degree wasn’t architecture, you are welcome to participate in the competition.

      The competition is designed for architecture students and in most cases, like you said, that means younger first-time students. However, the spirit of the competition is not so much about age as it is about experience. To give you an example, if a lawyer decided to go back to school to study architecture for the first time at age 50, her or she would definitely be welcome to join.

      As for bringing other disciplines into the competition, that is something we encourage and love to see. We know there are some interior design students and civil engineers who have already registered, we believe a film making team too, and in past competition we’ve even seen comic artist join and do very well!

      Hope this answers your questions 🙂

      The arkitekturo team

    • #4491
      Yanina Muñoz

      Buenas tardes, ayer me he registrado con éxito pero en el apartado de charlas y clases dice que no puedo ver el contenido hasta que me registre. Podrán ver cómo solucionar ese error por favor? Muchas gracias!

      • #4553

        Hola Yanina,

        Durante el día de ayer tuvimos un problema técnico on la página que impedía que se pudiese ver la página con las charlas. Esta mañana lo hemos solucionado, por lo que ahora deberías poder ver los videos sin problemas. Si no fuese así, por favor no dudes en avisarnos, y disculpa por el inconveniente.

    • #4564

      Hola! una pregunta, como puedo modificar o eliminar a un miembro de mi equipo?

      • #4578

        Hola Fernando,

        Puedes modificar, eliminar o agregar miembros a tu equipo en cualquier momento hasta la fecha límite de registros (en este caso es el 4 de abril). Para hacerlo sólo tienes que enviarnos los datos de los nuevos integrantes por e-mail a competitions@arkitekturo.com y nosotros los agregaremos por ti.

    • #4908
      Teodora Todorova

      Hello Arkitekturo team,

      I, too, have a question regarding eligibility.

      At the university I attend, we sign up directly for a Masters program (5.5 years), there is no Bachelor / undergrad degree before that. In a week’s time I will be enrolled in my final (11th) semester.
      However, when I finished the 5th year of my studies (10th semester), I had to take a break for personal reasons and that break is more than 2 years. So, technically, I finished the 4 years that a Bachelor program would take and “started” the next part of my education immediately, which by my understanding means I am technically eligible for the contest.

      Could you please tell me if I am correct that I can participate?

      Thank you in advance!

      Kind regards,

    • #4909

      Hello Teodora,

      Thank you for reaching out to us and explaining your situation.

      If we understand correctly, architecture studies in your country are a 5.5 year program, which it just so happens to be called “masters”, but it is in reality the studies that follow high school.

      In addition to that, you had to take some time off before finishing this program for personal reasons not related to your studies or your professional career as an architect.

      If that is correct, then you are, as far as we are concerned, an architecture student who hasn’t graduated yet, and you are welcome to join the competition 🙂

    • #4916
      Teodora Todorova

      Yes, exactly! Thank you very much for your fast response. Looking forward to participating and seeing the other results too 🙂

Mostrando 13 respuestas a los debates
Respuesta a: Eligibility
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