The idea of our project is that the central part of each floor is a blind block with a closed collection of books and a collection of works by Mies. Due to the fact that the ceiling of the glass shell of the building is several meters higher than the maximum elevation of the cube itself, and the common floors do not adjoin the shell of the cube, there is a complete feeling of its detachment from public space, which emphasizes its functional significance. This effect is achieved thanks to stairs located along the outer contour of the closed block and two-light spaces. On the ground floor there are individual places, an administrative block, bathrooms. For ground floor lighting, we made a patio from two ends of the building, which allowed us to place open places for reading and a cafeteria. On the first and second floors there are open vaults with reading places. On the third floor in the cube there is an auditorium surrounded by a continuous two-light space.
This project was submited to the Mies Memorial Library competition with Registration ID #22616
Lana and Lera
Valeria Silivanova
Samara State University of Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering
Lana Kolosova
Samara State University of Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering
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