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    • #7908
      Katarzyna Foszcz

      Hi Arkitekturo team!
      We are team 4plus1 and we’ve just uploaded our IDs. We’re a team from Poland and here due to the pandemic our ID’s are prolonged not through new stamps but by the goverment introduced policy (as our universities remain closed and classes are being held online). So every student ID since March last year (2020) is still valid. We hope that the documents we sent are enought for you 🙂
      We are waiting for your confirmation,
      Kasia from team 4plus1

      PS. If you deem it neccessary, you’re welcome to contact our universities for confirmation of our student status.

    • #7955

      Hello Kataryna. Thanks for the info. We have been able to verify your student status with the documentation you provided. You should have received confirmation by email this morning. You are welcome to submit your project at any time between now and the submission deadline. Best of luck!

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