Mies Memorial Library Foros Bauhaus Campus 2021 – Work in progress Questions Q&A about he specific submission time?

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    • #7358

      I would like to ask if the deadline for submission is 4-15 0:00 or 4-15 23:59 in GMT7 time zone?

    • #7374

      Hi James. You can submit the project until the last minute of April 15th in the GMT-7 time zone. That is, as long as the calendar shows April 15th in that time zone you can submit your project, the moment the calendar shows April 16th you won’t.

      However, we strongly recommend that you don’t wait until the very last minute to submit your project. Computers crash, the internet goes down from time to time… life happens! And if you are trying to upload your project at the very last minute and encounter any issues, we won’t be able to help you and all your hard work won’t be accepted, which would be a real shame! Give yourself some room for the unexpected 😉

    • #8396
      Mohammad Ilham Akbar

      Hi, I’d like to ask does the submission follow GMT-7? So if I live in GMT+7, does that mean my submission becomes 13.59 on the 16th of April? Or does submission follow timezone of each country? Don’t worry I won’t submit at the very last minute 🙂 just confirming whether the deadline will be simultaneous worldwide or differs per timezone, thanks!

      • #8576

        Hello Mohammad. Yes, the deadline is 23:59 on April 15th (GMT-7) and is the same for everyone, regardless of where you live. We do not provide local times, as there are many things to consider and we would not want to provide inaccurate information. For example, you might be 14 hours ahead of GMT-7 today and only 13 tomorrow due to summer/winter time changes. That being said, you can always check the exact time in the GMT-7 time zone by visiting this link https://time.is/GMT-7

        • Esta respuesta fue modificada hace 3 años, 6 meses por arkitekturo.
        • Esta respuesta fue modificada hace 3 años, 6 meses por arkitekturo.
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