Mies Memorial Library Foros Bauhaus Campus 2021 – Teams, introduce yourselves! Let’s get to know each other a little bit better :)

Mostrando 3 respuestas a los debates
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    • #1707

      We’ll go first!

      The team behind arkitekturo is pretty much the same team behind wikiarquitectura.com. We are a small team, mainly based in Barcelona, Spain, and we have been exploring different ways to bring architecture online for over 13 years.

      We believe architecture is a universal language, and are fascinated by the different “dialects” in which this language is “spoken” in different parts of the world.

      We enjoy the architectural masterpieces of all times, but we are also interested in other fields in which architecture can have an impact which might not be straight up designing buildings.

      We would love to get to know you a little bit better too! So tell us where you are from and what are you most interested in at the moment 🙂

    • #2043
      Maria Belen Fernandez

      Soy de Bolivia.
      Estudio en la Universidad Privada Boliviana (UPB)
      Estoy cursando el 8vo semestre de la carrera.

      • #2044

        ¡Bienvenida Maria Belen! Un placer conocerte y saludarte virtualmente 🙂

      • #2362
        Carmen Romero Vizoso


        Mi nombre es Carmen y soy de Galicia.
        Soy estudiante de tercer año y espero que en este concurso pueda conocer gente nueva.
        Saludos a todos

        • #2363

          ¡Hola Carmen! Bienvenida y saludos desde Barcelona 🙂

    • #2394

      hi! our team members are Indonesian students studying architecture in tamkang university, Taiwan! let’s get along well 😆✌

      • #2398

        Academic experiences abroad are amazing! Enjoy Taiwan! And welcome to arkitekturo 🙂

    • #4656
      Pablo Pelaez

      Algunos de nuestros miembros de equipo han visitado Barcelona y nos parece un lugar increíblemente bello con arquitectura impresionante… la comida tampoco esta nada mal.
      Que gran oportunidad participar en este concurso.

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