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    • #4654
      Pablo Pelaez

      We are a group of students from Medellin, Colombia, the city of ethernal spring. Its always exciting and challenging to think of developing projects and ideas in places with seasons as this is not what we are acostumed to. non-the-less we are really motivated to talk, reflect and imagine what can be done by each and every other team and us.
      We are really looking forward to see the end results and we wish everybody good luck!


    • #4711

      Hi there! Well, I’m sure many of us who are watching snow fall out the window would not have a problem with a never-ending spring! Haha!

      Jokes apart, designing for a foreign location, with a different history, culture, and in your case, a very different weather, is always a challenge. We must really get outside of our comfort zones and try to put ourselves in the shoes of those who will be using the spaces we are designing, people who are probably very different to us.

      I guess you could say that architecture is a universal language. We architects (or future architects), all know the words, but just like with the spoken language, it’s important to use them with care and respect wherever our designs might take us 🙂

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