Mostrando 2 respuestas a los debates
  • Autor
    • #7096
      Bekir Alperen Kalkan

      Hello! Good afternoon everyone,
      It is stated in the brief that we should create 50 rooms for the campus dormitory for students, lecturers and other guests.
      I was wondering that is it possible to make it like 49 or 51?

      Thanks in advance.

      Best Regards.


    • #7100
      Bekir Alperen Kalkan

      Fresh Update!

      Actually I wonder if it is possible to make rooms for 49 or 51 people. My previous question might be a little confusing haha 🙂

    • #7162

      Hello Bekir. Yes, it is possible to have dorm beds for 49 or 51 people. The jury will not be counting rooms or measuring exact areas, they will be looking for a strong concept and a good organization of the spaces. A +-10% variation in the proposed areas will be absolutely no problem 😉

      • Esta respuesta fue modificada hace 3 años, 6 meses por arkitekturo.
Mostrando 2 respuestas a los debates
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