Mostrando 1 respuesta al debate
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    • #4851
      Aya Akrm

      the CAD file have different layers named but all colored in white and no elements appearing only unrelated lines. is that how it should be? if not what should I do to open the file appropriately? screenshot from the cad file

      • Este debate fue modificado hace 3 años, 8 meses por Aya Akrm.
    • #4866

      Hello Aya,

      Thank you for getting in touch with us. All layers of the file are endeed in the same color (for us is black instead of white), but the elements in each of them are properly grouped on our end. The “streets” layer really contain the streets, the “building” layer really contains the buildings, and so on.

      Here is a screenshot with all layers on:

      And here one with only the buildings layer on, as an example:

      • Esta respuesta fue modificada hace 3 años, 8 meses por arkitekturo.
Mostrando 1 respuesta al debate
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