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  • Autor
    • #5106
      Iryna Holubieva

      Hello. I’m from Ukraine. I would like to know how many parking spaces for cars and how many parking spaces for bicycles should be provided? For 160 students, based on the norms that apply in Germany.

    • #5108

      Hello Iryna,

      This being an ideas competition, you do not need to follow any urbanistic or construction regulations.

      As for car parking space, this is not required by the brief. Like in many other urban campuses, the brief does not ask for car parking space. However, if you believe parking space is required to develop a successful project, you are free to include it, but you’ll need to justify that decision in your presentation so that the jury understands your thinking process.

    • #5115
      Iryna Holubieva

      I appreсiate Your advice. But if I want to design parking spaces for cars and bicycles, on which German regulations should I rely, when I’ll design their?

      • #5118

        This competition does not rely on any regulation, nor do we do not provide or have acces to local regulations from the city of Dessau. If you want to design a parking for cars and bicycles your should design the best car and bicycles praking you can imagine, regardless of regulations 🙂

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