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    • #4618
      Ihor Kunanets

      Hi there. We started working on the project, and in the process of developing the concept, the idea came to add an adjacent plot to the project. Can we do it and will it be appropriate

    • #4868

      Hello Ihor,

      What you are suggesting is not required in the excercice’s brief, therefore it goes against the requirements. That being said this is an ideas competition, and as such all ideas are welcome and will be considered. Your project WILL NOT BE DISCUALIFIED just because you made changes to the brief (after all, projects challenging the brief in professional competitions have even been awarded and built). However, if you are going to challenge the brief you must be sure the result makes for a better overall project, and that the jury, by looking at your presentation board, is able to understand why the project is better with that adjacent plot than it would have been with the given one.

      So to sum up. If you are going to use an adjacent plot just because you like it better, that probably will not be a good idea. If on the other hand you can show that by using that adjacent project the Bauhaus Campus 2021 can go from being a good project to beeing an amazing project, then you are welcome to explore that idea 🙂

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