Bauhaus Squared is an answer to the question on how designers can respond to a world where technological, social, and environmental paradigms are constantly changing in response to rapidly changing global trends. Located in Dessau, home of the original Bauhaus school, Bauhaus Squared has been designed under the principles of creation, exploration and learning to allow the minds of the designers and architects of tomorrow. In staying true to the Bauhaus methodology, the building is design using concrete and glass as modern materials that allows its morphology to propose a radical form within its surrounding context, To the left of the entrance, students can go straight to class on the second floor which can be altered to allow for larger or multiple classes to be held at once. Moving onwards, students can apply the theoretical work in the workshop which contains machinery for woodworking, metal working, ceramics and textiles along with a media lab that contains CNC, laser cutters and 3d printers and is used to allow the campus to conduct research in the field of design. Directly in front of the lobby is the exhibition hall with altering elevations to allow for students from different design practices to showcase their work to their peers, professors, and the public. To the right is the main auditorium where lectures open to the school and the public allow for a dialogue to take place allow for the exchange and creation of new ideas in an open environment.
This project was submited to the Bauhaus Campus 2021 competition with Registration ID #5380
Nathan James Jesik
Carleton University
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